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Pocket PC Theme -- OwlClock FlashDash

By: The Editor
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OwlClock Pocket PC Theme is an entertaining animated clock theme. It simualates a cucoo clock on your pda screen. (continued...)
The animation shows a wise old owl moving his eyes to and fro with the ticks of the digital clock. On the quarter hour, the doors in his belly open and a tiny owl flaps its wings and chimes the time with its owl's call.
Click For MP3 Sound Sample (35k)
The theme requires GigaByte Solutions FlashDash theme player product (Free Trial Available) and the Free Flash Player for Pocket PC from
It was designed for FlashDash and has been tested on both Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 and works well on both. It has also been tested on VGA screens and is compatible.
It displays beautifully on your today screen. Especially on VGA screens. If you're looking for something really unique, you can't miss with this one.
Buy It Here, and leave your comments about it using the comments feature located at the bottom of this post.
When installing, read the README1st.txt file located inside the product zip file to avoid disappointments.
If you like this theme, don't forget to use the refer a friend link at the bottom of this post to spread the word about it.
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Tips for Mobile Security -- SmartPhone PDA

How can you be sure your smartphone or PDA is secure?
Wireless carriers offer fairly good encryption and authentication, but it's important for you to understand where the service provider stores your data, such as e-mails, contacts, and photos. With enterprise Blackberry systems, your corporate e-mail server stores the data, making it as safe as your IT department is capable. (continued...)
With personal service plans, however, your e-mail and contacts are probably on a central server within the service provider's facility. You can't depend on the service provider to protect your server-based data. In this case, you can take advantage of your account's auto-aging setting, which deletes your e-mail messages after a specific amount of time.
Change passwords periodically, and make them different than other accounts. I know that this is tough, but a smart hacker might observe you entering a username and password for a non-sensitive account, such as a club bulletin board, and then try that username and password on your bank account.
Source: InformationWeek
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Pocket PC Theme -- NoSignal FlashDash

By: The Editor
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NoSignal Pocket PC Theme is a cool animated theme.
This theme simulates a TV that has lost its signal (continued...)
The animation shows a static-filled TV screen with the "No Signal" message fading in and out. It's a simple theme with an interesting effect that is unique.
The theme requires GigaByte Solutions FlashDash theme player product (Free Trial Available) and the Free Flash Player for Pocket PC from
It was designed for FlashDash and has been tested on both Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 and works well on both. It has also been tested on VGA screens and is compatible.
This is fun animated theme that displays beautifully on your today screen. Especially on VGA screens.
Buy It Here, and leave your comments about it using the comments feature located at the bottom of this post.
When installing, read the README1st.txt file located inside the product zip file to avoid disappointments.
Don't forget to use the refer a friend link at the bottom of this post to spread the word about it.
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Web-Based Email -- Comcast.Net Mail

AIM Mail, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and even Mail -- some are better for business, some for consumers, and all are quite useful.
For many of us, web-based e-mail services are a useful adjunct to our home inbox, allowing us to check e-mail while traveling and to privately communicate outside of corporate messaging. But a review of the latest web mail services shows that you can now consider foregoing desktop programs without compromising your communications flow.
COMCAST.NET MAILISP Comcast's e-mail offering is more suitable for families than small businesses. Comcast mailbox administrators can establish up to seven e-mail accounts You can also choose how frequently messages are automatically deleted, with choices from once day to never. Comcast limits home user accounts to 250 megabytes of total storage, but businesses can add five e-mail addresses with 20 MB of storage per account for $15 a month. (continued...)
The message center uses colorful icons across the top of the screen for managing messages and provides all of the standard tools for formatting and searching messages. Moving messages to folders is done through a drop down menu on the far right of the screen using a font that is needlessly small.
Comcast does not provide a calendar, and the anti-spam software can not be customized. You can block e-mail addresses from sending messages, and parental controls enable you to block offensive content as well as providing a firewall.
While you can import or export files from Outlook, Outlook Express or Netscape Communicator, there are no options in Mail for setting up contact groups.
Source: InformationWeek
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Pocket PC Theme -- MilkyWay FlashDash

By: The Editor
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MilkyWay Pocket PC Theme is another space oriented today theme.
This theme shows our galaxy as it would look from another far away point in space. (continued...)
The animation shows the galaxy slowly turning against the blackness of space. It's a very realistic depiction.
The theme requires GigaByte Solutions FlashDash theme player product (Free Trial Available) and the Free Flash Player for Pocket PC from
It was designed for FlashDash and has been tested on both Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 and works well on both. It has also been tested on VGA screens and is compatible.
This is a serene animated theme that displays beautifully on your today screen. Especially on VGA screens.
Buy It Here, and leave your comments about it using the comments feature located at the bottom of this post.
When installing, read the README1st.txt file located inside the product zip file to avoid disappointments.
Don't forget to use the refer a friend link at the bottom of this post to spread the word about it.
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Pocket PC Tips and Tricks -- Keyboard Entry

The Authors of Pocket PC Tips and TricksSPEED UP KEYBOARD ENTRYWhile the old Qwerty keyboard was not optimized for use on a PDA, there are some little niceties that the nice folks at Microsoft have added to help out us PDA users anyway. (continued...)
Getting use to this will take a little time, but after some practice your speed with the default keyboard will improve.
First, go to your input options (tap Start -> Settings -> Input) and select Keyboard as the input method. Change the default option of "Small keys" to "Large keys" and tick the "use gestures for the following keys" checkbox.
You'll find that the space bar, backspace and enter keys will disappear, which will also mean that the numbers and symbols will appear on the keyboard.
To become good at this, you need to learn the shortcuts. The dot on the diagram below indicates where to start - the square is the key you are pressing. For the space, enter and backspace keys, you can use any key on the keyboard as long as you use the gesture. If you use tap and stroke up on any key, that key will yield its upper case character ("q" will become "Q" and "4" will become "$").

Source: Pocket PC Tips and Tricks
Buy It Now and Save 5$ -- Click Here
Regular $19.95 -- Now $14.95
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Pocket PC Theme -- SpaceWalk

By: The Editor
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Experience outerspace with this SpaceWalk Pocket PC Theme.
This theme realistically depicts what the Earth would look like if you were aboard a space vehicle orbitting the planet. Looks sensational on VGA screens.(continued...)
The animation of the astronaut floating in space against the blue backdrop of the earth plays every few seconds. It brings life and motion to the serenity of the vista.
The theme works with and requires GigaByte Solutions FlashDash theme player product (Free Trial Available) and the Free Flash Player for Pocket PC from
It was designed for FlashDash and has been tested on both Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 and works well on both. It has also been tested on VGA screens and is compatible.
This is really a cool animated theme that will leave you daydreaming from time to time about the vastness of space and the beauty of the Earth.
Buy It Here and leave your comments about it using the comments feature located at the bottom of this post.
When installing, read the README1st.txt file located inside the product zip file to avoid disappointments.
Don't forget to use the refer a friend link at the bottom of this post to spread the word about it.
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Tips for Mobile Security -- Avoid Prying Eyes

How do you avoid prying eyes (and ears) on the road?
In a public place, even rock-solid data transmission security won't keep someone from simply watching over your shoulder for company-sensitive data on your screen or keystrokes as you type in usernames and passwords. I've seen so-called "security experts" beaming their data to many others in crowded public areas via their large, high-resolution laptop screens. This is more of a problem with laptops because they are easier to see, but be cognizant of others nearby even when using smaller mobile devices. (continued...)
Avoid working on sensitive documents with your laptop screen in plain view of other people in public areas. You can also turn down the screen intensity, which makes it more difficult for others to see your screen. The batteries will also last longer.
When talking over a cell phone or voice-over-Wi-Fi connection, keep your voice down. I'm not sure why, but many people talk very loudly over cell phones, so that anyone within fifty feet can hear clearly. If possible, send sensitive data through e-mail messages rather than discuss it over the phone, assuming your e-mail is secure. I find that e-mail is more efficient and less expensive for most situations anyway, especially when using smartphones.
Source: InformationWeek
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LavaLamp Clock FlashDash Theme

By: The Editor
*** GiveAway Expired ***
Bring Back the Seventies with this fun LavaLamp Clock Theme.
The lavalamp perfectly emulates the real thing by sending random
globs of glowing green goo up and down the length of the lamp.
Experience the effect that mesmerized a generation of young people
under the influence of weird substances. It's Shagadelic Baby!(continued...)
It also features a real working digital clock to help you stay on time.
The theme works with and requires GigaByte Solutions Animated Today or FlashDash theme player products (Free Trials Available) and the Free Flash Player for Pocket PC from
It was designed for Animated Today but should work fine with FlashDash. Try it and see.
The theme has been tested on both Pocket PC 2002 and 2003 and works well on both.
This is really a fun animated theme and should be a topic of conversation at home and in the office.
Buy It Here. Leave your comments about it using the comments feature located at the bottom of this post.
When installing, read the README1st.txt file located inside the product zip file to avoid disappointments.
If you like this theme, don't forget to use the refer a friend link also at the bottom of this post to spread the word about it.
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Web-Based Email -- Yahoo Mail

AIM Mail, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and even Mail -- some are better for business, some for consumers, and all are quite useful.
For many of us, web-based e-mail services are a useful adjunct to our home inbox, allowing us to check e-mail while traveling and to privately communicate outside of corporate messaging. But a review of the latest web mail services shows that you can now consider foregoing desktop programs without compromising your communications flow.
YAHOO! MAIL While Yahoo! Mail is more of a "me too" service than an innovative product, it includes everything you need to successfully manage your messages through a straightforward interface. Business users may prefer Yahoo! Mail's contact management features, but many folks would have a hard to find compelling reasons to switch their e-mail from or to Yahoo! Mail. (continued...)
You can set up custom fields in your Yahoo! Mail contact database as well as establish categories to keep your work and play contacts separate. One unique feature of Yahoo Mail is the free synchronization software that will keep your Palm or Pocket PC handheld up to date with your calendar and address book, and maintain synchronicity with Outlook as well. The Intellisync software can simplify uploading your data to a new computer, and also comes in handy if you need to find an email address when you are away from your computer.
As with AIM Mail and Hotmail, you can share your Yahoo! Mail calendar with peers or publish it as a public page.
The four tabs across the top of the screen for managing messages are used to store and retrieve messages. You can flag messages that urgently need to be dealt with, and use the advanced search function to find important information contained within a message text. The one gigabyte of free storage is likely more than enough for most users.
Yahoo! created its own SpamGuard software to ward off unwanted solicitations, and it seems to work well. Although I've had a Yahoo! Mail account for several years, I very rarely receive spam. Yahoo! offers a Plus service for $19.99 per year that doubles the amount of storage and provides additional anti-spam options.
Source: InformationWeek
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Happy 4th of July America!

In honor of the holiday, PDA and Mobile Today is giving away this patriotic today theme featuring Lady Liberty with stars cascading from the American flag.
This is the start of a new feature on the blog for the month of July. (continued...)
Each day in July, we will be giving away a different FREE theme custom designed by Each theme will only be available for 24 HRs. From midnight to midnight of the following day.
Each theme is the full commercial version as sold around the world on the Internet and contains no advertising.
We want to beautify as many of the Pocket PCs in the world as we can, so tell a friend and publish this news any place you can. Where is up to you, just don't spam anyone.
The only thing we ask in return is that you send as many of your friends to the blog as you can to download themes for themeselves. No sharing. Okay?
Click Here to view a larger screenshot and to download this theme.
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Support is only available for products which are purchased.
There is NO SUPPORT on Free products.
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FlashDash -- A Better PDA Interface
FlashDash Tabbed Interface

By: The Editor
Are your looking for a more efficient and streamlined way to work with your Pocket PC? Looking for a way to brighten-up and personalize the look of your today screen?
If so, look no further.
FlashDashâ„¢ by Gigabyte Solutions Ltd. is a dazzling new Today Screen replacement system for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 devices. It integrates the most popular Today screen features into the desktop of tomorrow, today.
I've been using FlashDash on my Pocket PC for over 4 months now and I can't figure out how I ever got along without it. It's simply a better way to work. Here's why. (continued...)
It gives you a tabbed interface that allows you to switch effortlessly between the PDA desktop, program launcher and your running apps. This eliminates the drill-down steps normally associated with launching and switching between applications making it faster and easier.
If you like themes, you'll love the themes manager. It allows you to preview all your themes before loading them and it also makes it possible to store your themes anywhere on your device. This means that you can use your storage card instead of your device memory, something usually not possible. This in turn will speed up your pocket pc somewhat.

FlashDash Themes Manager
In my opinion, these 2 features alone justify the $19.95 price tag but there's a whole lot more included for the money.
FlashDash includes these additional features:-
* Full-Screen Theme and Animated Theme display
* Date / Time applet
* Owner Information applet
* Appointments applet with 14 day look ahead
* Tasks applet with 14 day look ahead
* Battery, Memory and Storage displays
* Large analogue clock display
* FlashDash mini-plugin support
* Hires and Landscape support on WM2003SE devices
* Universal theme viewer. Displays theme in any orientation or resolution on any device
FlashDash also includes:-
* 14 professionally designed themes
* 10 fantastic full-screen FlashDash themes
* 3 FlashDash mini-plugins
FlashDash is fully internationalised into English, French, German, Italiain, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
There are hundreds of professionally designed themes available specifically designed for FlashDash including the ones shown at the beginning of this blog.
You will be able to play any static themes found on the net but animated and full-screen animated themes are restricted to products published specifically for "FlashDash" or "Animated Today" (another GigaByte Solutions product). So be carefull when buying your themes to look for these words in the description to avoid any disappointment.
In conclusion, FlashDash is a terrific product that will greatly enhance the usefulness and efficiency of your Pocket PC/Windows Mobile device by making it faster and easier to use. It's simply one of the best products I've ever owned.
If you have not tried it out yet, I advise you to get more details and download the 14 day Free trial available here.
Once you've tried it, I doubt you'll ever want to go back to any other way of using your device.
PDA and Mobile Today Reviewer's Rating *****
(5 out of 5 Stars -- 5 stars is best)
FlashDash requires the (Free) Macromedia Flash for Pocket PC Player and a Pocket PC 2002 or 2003 device.
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Tips for Mobile Security -- Home Network

If you take your work laptop home and connect it to your home network, how do you ensure that your data is secure?
Treat your home network (whether Ethernet or Wi-Fi) as you would a public network. Don't trust your ISP. (continued...)
With a Wi-Fi home network, you should also implement the optional encryption between your mobile device and the router or access point. If possible, enable WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), which automatically assigns and periodically updates encryption keys for each mobile device. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is not as secure as WPA, but it's better than nothing at all.
Also, assign a secret username and password to the Wi-Fi router's administration interface to keep hackers from configuring it to their advantage. You can also disable SSID (service set identifier) broadcasting on the Wi-Fi router, and manually set the SSID in the mobile device. This keeps your neighbors from finding (and using) your network.
Source: InformationWeek
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